Messaging is way to communicate. Today, we have a number of apps to communicate instantly. Telegram is considered as the next best alternative to WhatsApp. The users who have a Telegram Account can send Videos, Audios, Voice messages, etc. Telegram also enabels its users to create a private Channel to chat with multiple members. There are number of useful telegram bots. All these bots have different functionalities. The article solely focuses on best Telegram bots that can be used by different users while they work on Telegram. Continue reading to know about Telegram bots for groups.
Best Telegram Bots To Save You Time
Telegram has a long list of bots. These bots can be used by students, group owners, channels owners, etc. The bots have different functions and they can be activated and deactivated only by the users. Some bots are under construction and some bots are full-fledge working bots. Here is the list of best Telegram bots that can be activated by the Telegram users to perform different functions.

Users who have a Telegram Group or Channel can use the @vote to conduct a poll. The VoteBot is used to get the opinion of the members on various issues. The polls are usually of two types, public or anonymous. In a public poll, the user can find out who voted in favor of the motion and who voted against the motion. In the anonymous poll, the identity of the voter remains hidden.
The LikeBot is a useful Telegram bots helps you to receive Likes or Dislikes on your posts from different users. The @like functions anonymously. Other emojis such as crying, happy, sad, or amazed can also be used in place of like and dislike emojis. The bot increases the credibility of your posts because users will quickly find out whether or not the published post holds any sort of value. It is considered as one of best Telegram bots.
Stickers Bot
The Stickers Bot helps the users to create various stickers on Telegram. A fixed criterion has to be followed in order to create awesome stickers. The dimension of the image that is used to create a sticker should be 512 x 512 px. You can use @Stickers or @EzStickerBot to make amazing stickers. It is a fun Telegram bots.
Controller Bot
The @controllerbot is used by the Telegram Channel Owners to view stats and create rich posts. Time specific posts can be created by this bot, time specific posts are deleted after a period of time. The bot also helps to schedule the time of posting. The given steps have to be followed in order to set up and connect the channel to the bot. It is considered as best Telegram bots for channels.
The Otouto bot is a multi-purpose bot that helps you to search google, Wikipedia, and dictionaries. Once the bot is activated, a list of commands to operate the bot is received by the user. Type @mokubot in the search bar to find this bot.

The @combot helps to turn your Telegram Channel into a community. It is basically a maintenance bot for your Telegram Group that manages analytics, moderation, and anti-spam. The @combot has to be added to the Telegram group and permissions have to be granted to activate the bot. It is considered as best Telegram bots for channels.
@MissRose_bot is a powerful bot that helps you in managing various Telegram Groups. The bot functions as the best spam filter that helps to clean and warn the spammers. Spam control is a big headache if you own a group on Telegram. The bot relaxes you by automatically performing the above-mentioned tasks. It is considered as best Telegram bots for channels.
DeleteEvents Bot
The @DeleteEventsBot help in deleting the events that took place in a Telegram Group. You can also delete various event messages using the bot. For instance, whenever a new person is added to your group, a new event message also called the action message will appear in the group. To delete this event the @DeleteEventsBot can be used. The bot has to be added as the admin has the right to delete the eventful messages. It is considered as one of best Telegram bots for groups.
The @PrivateBOXbot saves texts, notes, videos, photos, animations, and other files. The bot works in the inline mode and therefore conversations from the chats can be saved. You’ve to provide your name and password to save files. The files can be later retrieved using the password. Password can be restored if the user forgets the password.
Invite Member
The @InviteMemberBot is a Telegram bot for paid Channels and Groups. The bot shows the subscription plans and sends the invitation to potential members. The bot reminds and kicks out the users when their subscription plan comes to end. It also helps in accepting payments from your subscribers. It is considered as one of best Telegram bots for groups.
Invoke Geek Bot

The @invokegeekbot sends IT job postings and Career advice to the user at least 10 times a day. The bot sends a maximum of 10 job postings per day. You can activate this bot to consistently receive job postings on Instagram.
All Questions
The @allqbot answers all your questions. You can ask any question and the bot will answer of them. The questions are passed on to other users who are using this bot. You can answer the questions of other users and they can answer the questions raised by you. It is considered as one of best Telegram bots. It is a useful Telegram bots for students.
Metrics Bot
The @metricsbot is a useful Telegram bots that help the user to directly get the Google Analytics metrics from Telegram. If you own a blogging website on the web then this bot is the most useful one for you. The bot can be added to the workgroup so that all the participants of the group can see the Google Analytics data. It is considered as best Telegram bots for channels.
The @DropMailBot help the user to create a disposable email address and receive emails. The bot helps you to receive incoming mail. If the disposable email address is not used by you, it will be automatically destructed but it can be reactivated as per your convenience. The bot can also be used to create multiple self-destructive email addresses.
The @swell_bot helps the user to vote for cool stuff helping others to make a firm decision regarding different things. A question is given to the user that contains picture-based answers. You can put forward your opinions and move on to the next questions. It is a fun Telegram bots.

The @IFTTT bot is used to link different channels and groups with more than 360 other internet services. The services include Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, etc. The bot has to be set as admin and the user who activates the bot has to follow the instructions to link different services. IFTTT imports data from other internet services and syncs the same with the channel or the group of the user. It is considered as one of best Telegram bots for groups.
The @NowTrendingBot is the most useful bot to look for the most trending topics around the world. You can find viral content on Google, YouTube, and Twitter. The user has to choose the country and the category once the bot is started to view the viral and trending content. It is a fun Telegram bots.
Group Butler
The @GroupButler_bot helps you to administer a group. Using this bot you can ban, kick, send a message like a Pro Administrator, and set rules in a group. You have to make the bot an admin so that it can perform the mentioned functions. It is considered as one of best Telegram bots for groups.
Instant Reminders
The @instantremindersbot helps you by reminding you about anything. The user has to send or forward the thing to the bot so that the bot can remind the user about that particular thing. The bot requires your time zone and it accepts text messages and media files for reminding them. You just have to set a reminder time and the bot will do it for you. It is considered as best Telegram bots for channels.
Yandex Translate
The @YTranslateBot auto translates the chats. The instant translation bot can translate the chats between 12 popular languages including English, Deutsch, Arabic, Russian, etc.
Map Bot

The @openmap_bot is a navigational bot that sends you maps from satellite imagery and OpenStreetMap. The bot functions in inline mode. The user has to send the name of the place and he/she will receive the map with the exact pinpointed location. The map can be browsed internally.
Comments User Bot
The @commentsuserbot is used to enable a comment section on a Telegram Channel. The comment section can be used by the users to send feedback about your postings in the Channel. The bot has to be added as admin and given the permission regarding “add and edit” posts. It is considered as one of best Telegram bots. It is considered as one of best Telegram bots for groups.
The @LexicoBot is a dictionary bot. The user has to send queries and the bot will execute the definition, meaning, and antonyms of the words. There are instances when the bot does not reveal certain definitions, in such cases contact the support team to fix the issue. It is a fun Telegram bots.
Quiz from Panda
The @pandaquizenbot is a useful Telegram bots that has more than 2000 questions. Every question has multiple choice answers and the user has to choose the most appropriate one according to them. The users can ask for a clue to answer the questions appropriately. The SOS button can be used where the user is unable to find the answer.
The location-based messaging chatbot helps you to interact through text messages or multi-media messages with mobile users located in a specific area. You can request real time info and pictures. The users can buy and sell things with people who are in close proximity using this bot. As soon as you activate the bot you have to update your profile and enter your location.
Chat Wars

The @chtwrsbot will let the user play the castle game. The users will be enrolled in the army and have to fight battles with the neighboring rival to steal their gold. Users can choose their favorite warriors to fight the wars. It is a fun Telegram bots.
Chess Exercises
The @chessexercisesbot helps the user to play chess. Users can exercise tactical moves of chess in Telegram alone or in groups. Chess improves brain activity and therefore this bot is a very useful bot for everyone. It is a fun Telegram bots.
The @metagon_bot helps the user to find animal/anime pictures from various sites such as Flickr and Imgur. The user can also find Minecraft Tools, 9Gag, and much more using this bot.
The @gamee bot is the place for social gaming on Telegram and is a useful Telegram bots. The bot enables the user to play a ton of addictive games against friends and family. The user can compete on the global level as well. Users can play random games and get in touch with their friends easily. It is considered as best Telegram bots for channels.
Arena Game RPG
The @arenagametelegrambot lets the user play the Text RPG arena game. The user can play single-handedly or in teams and he/she can even participate in the clan wars. The bot also lets the user shop for weapons, armor, and much more. The basic skill section to learn the game is also available.
Tic Tac Toe Bot
The @xoBot is a bingo game that the user can play with another bot or player. The difficulty level can be set by the user itself and the stats can also be checked using this bot.

The @gamebot is a demo bot for Telegram Gaming. The user can find fun-filled games using this bot. the user just has to find a friend and select the game accordingly. It is considered as one of best Telegram bots.
The @spotybot lets you find your favorite soundtrack on Spotify. The bot sends the link to the song via an inline message. With this link, you can download the song in just a few clicks.
MP3s Bot
The @MP3sBot lets the user to listen and download their favorite music. This inline bot lets the user find music in many different languages such as English, Hindi, Malayalam, Tamil, and many more. The bot functions similarly to the @spotybot.
VK Music Bot
The @vkmusic_bot helps the user to listen, find and download any song. The music downloader bot doesn’t use the inline mode. The user has to type the song’s or artist’s name to search for the song. The bot searches and tells the user about the best available version of the song that is being searched.

The @lyricZbot is a powerful bot that enables the user to find the lyrics of their favorite song. The user has to enter the song name or artist name or a single paragraph of the song in order to find the lyrics.
Twitch Monitor
The @twimonbot notifies the user about the beginning of live broadcasts of their favorite streamers on different platforms such as Twitch and YouTube. The user just has to enter the channel name or URL of the channel for getting notified. It is considered as best Telegram bots for channels.
Watch Comic
The @watchcomicbot help the user to find animated tv shows, anime, movies, etc. The watch comic bot functions in inline and therefore the user has to give commands to find movies and he/she will be redirected to a website where they can online content.
The @botfather rules all the other available bots on Telegram. The users can create and manage bots. Users that have knowledge of python can easily create a custom bot using the @botfather.
Weather bot
The @weatherbot helps the user to get weather updates for a particular location. The bot acts like a weather reporter and it supports different languages as well. The user just has to set the location to get the weather report of that particular area.

The @airtrack bot helps the user to find affordable flights. The user can track the flights and their pricing movements through alerts. The user just has to tell the bot about his/her desired route and the bot will display the most affordable flights.
Feed Reader Bot
The @thefeedreaderbot uses the RSS feeds to monitor websites, YouTube channels, blogs, Instagram and Twitter accounts, and much more. The bot works well in Telegram Groups and Channels. It is considered as one of best Telegram bots.
IMDb Bot
The @imdb bot scans the movie database and provides complete details of users’ favorite movies. Information such as plot, cast, directors, ratings, and much more is available. The bot does not have to be added anywhere and the user can use the bot in different Telegram channels and groups.
Whale Bot Alerts
The @whalebotalerts inform the User about different cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Lite, and Ethereum. The bot provides prize movements, on-demand charts, market prices, and market rates of different Cryptos. The user is also informed about upcoming ICOs.
Verify Bot

The @verifybot helps the user to verify a Channel, Group, or Bot on Telegram. The bot works as the official verification tool of Telegram that helps to get the prestigious blue tick on the user’s account.
The @getmediabot helps the user to download photos, audio, and videos from leading social networking websites. The Bot supports YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, etc.
Pomodoro Bot
The @pomodorobot is a useful Telegram bots and a time management tool that helps the user in completing his daily tasks effectively and on time. The bot introduces brief rests in your entire day.
The @hotelbot helps the user to find the best hotels in the city. The user just has to enter the name of the hotel and the location of the hotel and the bot will automatically monitor the cost over time so that the user can book the rooms when the price falls.
The @skeddy bot manages reminders that the user wants. The user can create simple as well as complex reminders using Skeddy. The powerful bot acts as a reminder tool in Telegram.
Math Teacher
The @mathteacherbot help the user to practice mental calculations. The bot is specially designed for kids and will help them to practice basic math skills. The bot has three levels of difficulty. The questions asked are based on the four main operations namely addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It is a useful Telegram bots for students.

The @pronunciationbot helps the user to convert text into verbal speech in 84 different languages. Users can add this bot to their Telegram group to convert text into different verbal speech.
The @nowtredingbot helps the user to get familiar with trending topics around the world. The bot monitors different platforms such as google searches, Twitter trends, google trends, YouTube trending videos, etc. It is considered as one of best Telegram bots.
The @shieldy bot is the best solution in Telegram to fight annoying spammers. The bot has in-built commands that will help the user to fight the spammers. The bot is used to ban users, remove users from the group, and much more.
The @pokerbot lets the user to play Texas Holdem Poker with other users in Telegram. To play on the same table the users can send an invitation link to their contacts and get more chips. No real money can be used to play the game.
The @trellobot is the popular task management tool on Telegram. The bot lets the user to receive card events and create new cards. The bot has to be authorized to access the user’s Trello account.

The @zoombot enables the user to start Zoom meetings and make Zoom phone calls. The bot also allows the user to share the screen instantly from any chat thread of Telegram using the inline mode. Any user can install the Zoom App for Telegram.
Eddy Travels
The @eddytravelsbot helps the user to chat with the eddy Travel AI assistant and helps the user to find the best flight and hotel deals in a few seconds. The bot fetches real-time information and the user doesn’t need to manually search for hotels and flights.
Gmail Bot
The @gmailbot enables the user to receive, send and reply to emails without leaving the Telegram App. The user has to follow the commands to authorize their account and after the authorization process, the user will receive emails on his Telegram App.
The @manybot is a creator bot which means the users can activate this bot to create their own bots. The bot has many other functions such as creating custom menus and submenus and creating custom commands. The bot can be used to create a bot that can send messages to your subscribers.
File Converter
The @newfileconverterbot allows the user to convert his/her files from one format to some other format of their choice. The bot functions perfectly with video/ audio and image files. It is a useful Telegram bots for students.

The @babelgram bot is another translation bot that auto-translates the user’s message in any group chat. The bot functions inline to translate directly into the conversation.
Dr. Web
The @drwebbot is the first anti-virus bot that ensures the safety of files and links that are transferred on Telegram. The bot checks the files while they are on the move. It is considered as one of best Telegram bot. It is a useful Telegram bots for students.
Alert Bot
The @alertbot will help the user to create simple reminders and alerts. It is a useful Telegram bots for students.
The @deloreanbot sends the message to the user in a future based time-frame. The user can set a time interval from the current moment.

The @imagebot lets the user to fetch images upon request. The users can use /get to get pictures and /or getgif to get GIFs.
Meme Autobot
The @memeautobot helps the user to generate fantastic memes automatically. The bot generates a number of memes for the user very quickly without any fuss.
Movies Tracker Bot
The @movieS4bot provides information to the user about movies from IMDB. The user can search for a film using the command/search filmName. Remember to enclose the Film name in single quotes if it has more than one word in its name.
The @pstrbot helps the user to deliver posts from various social media websites such as Instagram, Telegram, Twitter, and Facebook to your chats and channels.
The @ratestickerbot lets the user to share his/her sticker with the entire Telegram Community. You can discover new sets of stickers and the sticker’s rating based on people’s votes will be flashed by the bot.
The @triviabot is a sample quiz useful Telegram bots that allows the user to test their knowledge. Users can play against their friends and family as well.